Best foot forward
One thing I loved about pregnancy last time around was that even though my body shape was changing and getting larger for the most part, my feet stayed the same which, though a small mercy, allowed me to continue wearing my favourite shoes and boots pretty much throughout!
It sounds silly, but I found it quite challenging coming to terms with maintaining a positive body image, especially after birth. However, knowing that I could wear whatever I pleased on my feet and not having to think twice about it made a nice relief from constantly thinking about what clothes might/ might not work.
As we are heading into autumn, I've been looking at some boots online and seeing what takes my fancy! I think this year I might treat myself to some nice leather boots. It's always tempting to cheap out in New Look or Primark, and much as I love a bargain, I would rather have a quality shoe which I know will last the test of time!
So, to round off today's hunt, I have brought together a few which caught my eye earlier today...
From Office
Office boots from top left: knee boot, £110, Ted Baker welly, £100, beige Chelsea boot, £85, burgundy Chelsea boot, £78, Tan boot, £60
From Asos and Hunter
From Asos and Hunter, black heeled boot, £75, tan Chelsea boot, £50, Studded Hunter boots, not available, cut out black ankle boot, £90, Blue cutout ankle boot, £42
These Hunter wellies are just gorgeous. I saw a photo of Millie Mackintosh rocking them at The Wireless Music Festival a couple of years ago and really loved them! Sadly, I don't think they are in production anymore, I struggled to find them online anyway. If I find them again goodness I will snap them up!
Anyway, enough of my guilty pleasure shoe indulging!
Happy weekend everyone,
Love Bunty