Reflecting at the end of the month

Being home for a few days now has given us the chance to unwind a bit and reflect on the summer we have had. From seeing family, to exploring new pastimes and spending time with each other, we have had a wonderful August, jam packed with excitement and memories! I feel very blessed to be heading into autumn, now on the spiral towards Christmas (which always comes around so fast!), surrounded by the love of my husband and son. 
I really have this sense of transition in our family at the moment...hence the bicycle! Haha! I feel that we are moving forwards and progressing onto a new venture, as our family expands and the year gradually winds down to winter. I know I still have plenty to achieve before new year, but I'm just taking a moment to be thankful for everything this year has brought already and mostly, for my rock of a husband and beautiful son. 

Love Bunty


Inspired by words


Pink in the afternoon