22 weeks pregnant
How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/measurements: I'm feeling a bit bigger this week around my tummy area, so I'm guessing the scales will reflect that!
Maternity clothes: I got a couple of nice maternity tops and a swimming costume from Asda last week which I will show you in an upcoming post.
Stretch marks: No new ones!
Sleep: Never enough...
Best moment this week: Coming home to Devon! I always feel I can totally relax here and it's just so nice to spend time with the family.
Miss anything? Nope
Movement? Lots and lots! Especially after I eat something! It was the same with Noah in that every time I ate, he would always wake up in excitment for the goodness coming his way! It makes me laugh, but I seem to make hungry babies, or maybe it's just a boy thing!
Anything making you feel queasey or sick? Not really.
Gender: Boy!
Symptoms: Mainly heartburn this week. It's not dreadful but just uncomfortable and i'm noticing it more at the moment. I find eating little and often helps as my stomach feels pretty squished these days, I find it quite hard to eat a large meal in one sitting.
Weddng rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! I have lots to look forward to and this week has been an exciting one in terms of the new blog! Im really happy with it so far and can't wait to develop it more.
Looking forward to: A few peaceful days in the countryside.
That's everything for this week's update! Don't forget to check back next week for my 23 week update!
Love Bunty