Guess what?!

They say a picture speaks a thousand words and for me, I think this one has got to be up there with some of my all time favourites! 
We’re beyond thrilled to fInally announce our exciting news and share with you that we are counting down to baby no: 3 who, God willing, will join us in October. 

I've reached the initial three month milestone and have safely made it to 13 weeks pregnant very smoothly. I'm incredibly blessed and thankful for this little life, already very busy growing away inside me. Together as a family we are so happy to be able to celebrate another addition to our clan! Regardless of what the future holds, like each of our boys, this baby too has changed everything- all over again and forever! It's a wonderful time for us and we are greatly anticipating the next few months as we walk through this journey again.

I'm so excited to be pregnant again. For me, the reality of this amazing miracle far outweighs any anxieties or worries and as each pregnancy has been unique and truly remarkable in its own right, I am so excited to go through all the motions, feelings and milestones that a new pregnancy brings, in a new context. 

As I did with Jonah, I'm planning on sharing my weekly updates and 'bump' growth photos each week. I really hope these will be interesting/ helpful for any other expectant parents, or those who simply enjoy this kind of thing! Having Jonah's updates to compare this pregnancy to has already been of such comfort to me and it's so interesting too! 
On a personal level I'm really glad I wrote those blog posts last time around. They've inspired me to really want to do the same during this pregnancy too. I hope you'll enjoy them and I look forward to sharing more as we move through the phases!

I'll be posting my 12 and 13 week updates soon to kick start this series!



12 weeks pregnant


A little taste of paradise