Pretty little handbag

Recently I had been on the hunt for a new handbag that would be suitable for summer. I wanted something to replace my deep red leather satchel bag that I've had on the go constantly since Christmas. Much as I love it, it's definitely a 'winter bag' and I had been finding it a bit difficult to style the more i've been turning out my summer clothes and wearing brighter, less heavy fabrics.

I knew I wanted something cheerful and versatile and relatively cheap that I could just rely on over the summer months and I had been scouring the shops and web for the perfect solution!

I saw this one online at M&S and I instantly felt drawn to it. Not only is the colour exactly what with a top handle and longer cross body strap brings that versatility that I just love. 

Obviously the price point was a factor and I was so happy to see this sitting in the sale alongside an identical pink one (Oh how I deliberated!) But at £17 I was so  happy with my little blue bargain. I think it's always more satisfying when you shop around and manage to find something you know you'll love but at a great price too!

I think I may do a style post on this bag perhaps to show you how I've been enjoying wearing it recently and more of the ins and outs. 
Sadly, I just popped onto M&S online and it appears to be sold out though perhaps still available in some stores? 
There are lots of similar ones about but if you have a few more pennies to spend, M&S have released a similar one in leather here.

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Happy spring days